WorkExpo On-Line Help
Setting Up Logo On Page

If you choose to use a school logo in documents and letters you will need to setup the logo on each document and/or letter separately. The reason for this is so you have as much control over each document separately and that changes in one document don't affect another. Once saved WorkExpo will remember all settings for next time. 

To move the logo DOWN the page.

Use a combination of the following to move the logo image down the page.

  1. Increase the Logo Top setting. This is the distance the logo is from the top margin. Try 2 cm. Then click APPLY. Increase if necessary.
  2. Increase the Extra Page Depth setting. This has a similar effect as reducing the page's bottom margin.
  3. Increase the page's top margin setting. Do this in Print Preview - File / Page Setup / Margins. Increase the top margin size. This has the effect of moving ALL items, text and logo, down the page

To move the logo UP the page.

Use a combination of the following to move the logo image up the page.

  1. Decrease the Logo Top setting. This is the distance the logo is from the top margin. Try 0 cm. Then click APPLY.
  2. Decrease the Extra Page Depth setting. This has a similar effect as increasing the page's bottom margin. 
  3. Decrease the page's top margin setting. Do this in Print Preview - File / Page Setup / Margins. Decrease the top margin size. This has the effect of moving ALL items, text and logo, up the page


To move all text DOWN the page.

Use a combination of the following to move all text down the page.

  1. Increase the Text Top setting. This is the distance the text is from the top margin. Try 2 cm. Then click APPLY. Increase if necessary.
  2. Increase the Extra Page Depth setting. This has a similar effect as reducing the page's bottom margin.
  3. Increase the page's top margin setting. Do this in Print Preview - File / Page Setup / Margins. Increase the top margin size. This has the effect of moving ALL items, text and logo, down the page

To move all text UP the page.

Use a combination of the following to move all text up the page.

  1. Decrease the Text Top setting. This is the distance the text is from the top margin. Try 0 cm. Then click APPLY.
  2. Decrease the Extra Page Depth setting. This has a similar effect as increasing the page's bottom margin. 
  3. Decrease the page's top margin setting. Do this in Print Preview - File / Page Setup / Margins. Decrease the top margin size. This has the effect of moving ALL items, text and logo, up the page


To centre logo at top of page.


To place the logo down the left or right margin of page.



See Also



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