WorkExpo On-Line Help
Restore A Data File

The restore feature allows you to restore a data file from one place to another. For example, you may have done some work at home over the weekend on your home PC and have copied your data file to a memory stick. When you arrive at school on Monday morning you can restore the saved data file on the memory stick to your hard drive or network shared drive.

In simple terms Restore allows you to copy a WorkExpo data file from any location to any other location (Usually your WorkExpo folder) from within WorkExpo. In other words, you could easily perform the same task using Windows Explorer file management tool by copying and pasting the data file. However, you can't do this while WorkExpo is running so the Restore feature has the double advantage that you can copy data file while WorkExpo is running and from within the WorkExpo user interface.

Remember that ALL your WorkExpo data resides in a single WorkExpo data file

Follow these steps to restore your WorkExpo data file:

  1. From the WorkExpo main menu choose the large Options button.
  2. Click the Restore tab.
  3. The Restore Options dialog box will be displayed.
  4. In the From box enter the path to the source file. This is the file which has your most recent WORKEXPO data.
  5. In the To box enter the location and name of the current data file. The location should pre-exist on your system. Be aware that you are about to overwrite one data file with another.
  6. WorkExpo will ask you to confirm changes and display the names and paths of the files.
  7. Click OK to restore the newer file over the older file.
See Also



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