User-defined fields provide a way where you can store information which you determine. You can specify the name of the field and you can choose whether the field is a text box or a drop down box. If you choose a drop-down box you can specify default values for the drop-down box. For example, if you added a user-defined field called "Sport" you could include a drop down box which may contain items such as "Football", "Hockey", "Cricket" etc as possible choices. You can add up to ten user-defined fields to the Students window and five user-defined fields for employers.
To add a new user-defined field to the Students window follow these instructions:
- Go to the Students window.
- Choose the Options tab on the right of the screen.
- Then select User Defined to show the user defined fields for students.
To setup the user-defined field:
- Click the Customize link on the bottom right of the dialog box.
- This will allow you to set up the user defined fields. WorkExpo will remember your setting for next time.
- The customize student user defined fields dialog box is shown below.
- Enter a name for the User Defined Tab e.g. SPORT
- To display field names back on the main student window enter the field names you wish to use here on the left here.
- On the REPORT tab you can enter the Name of the Report and a report description.
- In addition, you can choose to include some optional information.
See Also