WorkExpo On-Line Help
User Defined Fields

User-defined fields provide a way where you can store information which you determine. You can specify the name of the field and you can choose whether the field is a text box or a drop down box. If you choose a drop-down box you can specify default values for the drop-down box. For example, if you added a user-defined field called "Sport" you could include a drop down box which may contain items such as "Football", "Hockey", "Cricket" etc as possible choices. You can add up to ten user-defined fields to the Students window and five user-defined fields for employers.


To add a new user-defined field to the Students window follow these instructions:
  1. Go to the Students window.
  2. Choose the Options tab on the right of the screen.
  3. Then select User Defined to show the user defined fields for students.



To setup the user-defined field:

  1. Click the Customize link on the bottom right of the dialog box.
  2. This will allow you to set up the user defined fields. WorkExpo will remember your setting for next time.
  3. The customize student user defined fields dialog box is shown below.
  4. Enter a name for the User Defined Tab e.g. SPORT


  1. To display field names back on the main student window enter the field names you wish to use here on the left here.
  2. On the REPORT tab you can enter the Name of the Report and a report description.
  3. In addition, you can choose to include some optional information.


See Also



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