WorkExpo On-Line Help
Student Preferences

In WorkExpo you can capture information relating to preferences students may have for work experience. Students can express up to three preferences for work experience.

When working with a student record in WorkExpo you will be able to see which preferences a student has for work experience. While browsing student records WorkExpo will try to find possible matches with employers who offer these types of work experience and display a list of matches. For example, if a student expresses a preference for Journalism, then WorkExpo will display a list of all employers who offer Journalism in the student's record.





To sort the Datasheet grid:

  1. Place the cursor in the column you'd like to sort on
  2. Right click for the shortcut menu
  3. Choose sort ASC or DESC
  4. The Datasheet is now sorted by the selected field.


To filter the Datasheet grid:

  1. Place the cursor in the column you'd like to sort on
  2. Right click for the shortcut menu
  3. Choose sort Filter By Selection
  4. The Datasheet is now filtered by the selected field value.

OR use the options in the drop down box at the top of screen.


To print the Datasheet grid:

  1. Sort and/or filter the Datasheet as necessary
  2. Click the Print button
  3. If your settings are set to Print Preview the report will show first in preview.


To copy the Datasheet grid:

  1. With the Datasheet grid on screen, press CTRL + A to select all
  2. Open Microsoft Excel
  3. Choose Edit / Paste to paste the contents into Excel.



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